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CPYHA Committees

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the 2024-2025 Hockey Season...

We are always looking for help on our many committees! If you're interested in becoming more involved in our hockey community, here are the openings we need someone to step up and help with.  Please reach out to Sam Paurus if you are interested.

  • Mite Jamboree Co-Coordinator
  • Mite Jamboree Co-Coordinator
  • Mini Rebels Program Coordinator
  • Referee Coordinator


CPYHA Monthly Committee Report

Please complete and send to your liaison & CPYHA Secretary by the second Tuesday of each month to ensure your progress/updates are being communicated to the CPYHA Board. While this report may be presented orally at meetings, it will also be used to ensure action items are completed and used to update the CPYHA monthly meeting minutes.


Please direct all volunteer questions to:

Elisangela Glass

Volunteer Coordinator

Sydney Lindenfelser


2023-24 CPYHA Committee Directors/Coordinators

ASSISTANT TREASURER Eryn Block rickerynblock@gmail.com Lesley Koch
BOYS TRAVELING DIRECTOR Aric Radmacher aradmacher@eidebailly.com Joe Housman
GIRLS PROGRAM/CO-OP DIRECTOR Brian Allen brianeallen080712@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
MITE DIRECTOR Joe Housman housmanjoe@gmail.com Joe Housman
CO-MITE DIRECTOR Brett Lampe cpyhamites@gmail.com Joe Housman
GIRLS/8U HOUSE DIRECTOR Dustin Hanly dustinhanly@gmail.com Joe Housman
HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Jason Tripicchio jtripicchio22@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
FALL CLINICS DIRECTOR Jason Tripicchio cpyhaclinics@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
SPRING CLINICS/LEAGUE DIRECTOR Jason Tripicchio cpyhaclinics@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
TRAVELING COACHES COORDINATOR John Smith cpyhacoachselection@gmail.com Joe Housman
SOCIAL MEDIA Julie Paurus julspaurus@gmail.com Jaime Wambach
COMMUNICATIONS Amy Jackson cpyhacommunications@gmail.com Sydney Lindenfelser
WEBMASTER Danielle Charboneau webmastercpyha@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
CONCESSIONS DIRECTOR Don Hall loveforfrance@yahoo.com
GOALIE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Nate Stulc nate_stulc@hotmail.com Joe Housman
EQUIPMENT COORDINATOR Nate Stulc nate_stulc@hotmail.com Joe Housman
CANDY BARS COORDINATOR Abby Frazer abbybodem@hotmail.com Brett Lampe
WREATH COORDINATOR Camille Nelson camillenelson28@gmail.com Brett Lampe
PIZZAS BUTTER BRAID Gina Dahlman gina.dahlman@gmail.com Brett Lampe
GAMBLING MANAGER Leanne Girard Leannekay21@hotmail.com Sam Paurus
RAFFLE TICKETS COORDINATOR Leanne Girard Leannekay21@hotmail.com Leanne Girard
GAMBLING OVERSITE COMMITTEE (President) Sam Paurus president@cpyha.com Sam Paurus
GAMBLING OVERSITE COMMITTEE (VP) Megan Tripicchio mmtripicchio@hotmail.com Megan Tripicchio
GAMBLING OVERSITE COMMITTEE Jaime Wambach jaimewambach@yahoo.com Jaime Wambach
GAMBLING OVERSITE COMMITTEE Will Evans will_evans@comcast.net Will Evans
ICE SCHEDULER Ross Jerpseth icescheduler.cpyha@gmail.com Ross Jerpseth
MGR COORDINATOR HOUSE Katie Snell Katrina.snell@ahschools.us
MGR COORDINATOR TRAVELING Trina Wambach cpyha.mgr.coordinator@gmail.com
RECRUITMENT DIRECTOR Kendall Kapitan-Hondl kkapitan85@gmail.com Joe Housman
REGISTRATION DIRECTOR Heather Tollefson regcpyha@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
REGISTRATION COORDINATOR Danielle Charboneau regcpyha@gmail.com Megan Tripicchio
JAMBOREE CO-COORDINATOR cpjamboree@gmail.com
JAMBOREE CO-COORDINATOR cpjamboree@gmail.com
SKATE CO-COORDINATOR Erik Andrews erikrandrews@gmail.com Ross Jerpseth
SKATE CO-COORDINATOR Michael Gerberding gerber625@gmail.com Ross Jerpseth
SPONSORSHIP Angie Evans amhmassage@hotmail.com Will Evans
TEAM PHOTOS COORDINATOR Sarah Hall s.hall.10@outlook.com
BANTAM THANKSGIVING TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR Jason Cordes jcordes80@gmail.com Ross Jerpseth
TRAVELING TEAM TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR Cindy Solo cindysolo4@gmail.com Joe Housman
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Angela Glass guaiumee@icloud.com Brett Lampe
MINI REBELS PROGRAM COORDINATOR Dustin Hanly dustinhanly@gmail.com Dustin Hanly
CP BOOSTER COORDINATOR Jaime Wambach jaimewambach@yahoo.com Jaime Wambach



CPYHA could not exist without the commitment from our many volunteers...THANK YOU!